Yes, you deserve financial freedom. I achieved financial freedom at the age of 40. Now I’m here to show you how to do it, step by step, no matter where you are starting from.

This online class is free because I develop long-term relationships with clients where I add financial value over time. I also use this content to get speaking engagements. Feel free to share this class anywhere and everywhere.

Section #1: Spend Smart

In this section we will discuss how to get you to the point where you are spending less than you make. This is the first and, by far, the most important step.

Class #1: “Where does my money go?” If you ask yourself this question too often, here is a good place to start.
Class Exercises
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Videos (coming soon)

Class #2: Happiness. In this class we find out what the real connection is between money and happiness. You may be surprised at what money can or can’t buy you.
Class Exercises
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Class #3: “What are you REALLY trying to buy?” Time to ask yourself what you really desire.
Class Exercises
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Class #4: Your budget now. This is the class where you need to do some real work. We’re going to figure out exactly what you spend your money on. You might not like the results…
Class Exercises
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Class #5: A smarter budget. Now it’s time to figure out how to get your budget more in line with reality.
Class Exercises
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Class #6: Freedom from Financial Stress. Where is your motivation for spending smart going to come from?
Class Exercises
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Class #7: Money and your deep values. It’s time to tie together everything you’ve learned.
Class Exercises
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Section #2: Take Control

In this section we talk about how to get on track and stay on track. This part of the class is about how to change.

Class #8: Money and Emotions. This class is about exactly what you think it’s about.
Class Exercises
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Class #9: Self-Sabotage and Envy. The two monsters that are doing the most to mess up your financial life.
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Class #10: Trying to Predict Happiness. Why are we SO bad at trying to predict our own happiness? And what can we do about it?
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Class #11: Small Victories. Progress is always made in small steps. Here we learn how to celebrate the victories that actually matter.
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Class #12: Will-Power and Temptation. Long after you’ve gotten yourself on the right track, you will still be tempted. Here is how to deal with it.
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Class #13: Ending the Scarcity Mentality. Once you’ve changed, it’s time to let go of the old mindsets.
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Section 3: Live Rich!

OK, you’ve got your spending under control. Now it’s time to build wealth. Here is how to do it. (If you are just starting out, check out How to Start Saving.)

Class #14: Wall Street. The first step is to understand your enemy. Wall Street is the world’s most sophisticated misinformation machine.
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Class #15: Simple Investing Works. Thankfully, you don’t need Wall Street. Keep investing simple instead.
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Class #16: Investing in Retirement. Whether you are hoping to retire at 40 or at 70, the goal of investing is to make sure you never run out of money.
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Class #17: Maximize my 401k. For many of you the 401k (or a similar type of plan) is your best investment option. It’s time to make the most of it.
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Class #18: “How much do I need to save?” Find out how much you should be saving in order to be able to retire when you want to.
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Class #19: Owning your own business and rental properties. Here is where I tell my own story, because there is no other way to explain both the pitfalls and the incredible benefits of being an entrepreneur or a landlord.
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Class #20: Financial Freedom. The goal.
Class Exercises
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Each class has homework that will keep you honest about where you are and will also help you visualize your progress. You will get the most out of this class if you continually return to the exercises as your life changes and improves. You may enjoy watching how your responses change.

Alright, what are you waiting for?